We will establish the optimal imaging sequences for acquisition for volumetric image processing (Freesurfer, EMS, hippocampal subfields), and optimizing diffusion tensor imaging (DTI).
We will handle data transfer, imports, initial quality control, perform the segmentation and volume measurements, post-processing quality control and database entry of all the MRI data (n=70). We will perform data quality reviews on incoming data and process imaging data using FreeSurfer software in order to obtain cortical thickness and parcellations of the whole brain into various regions of interest, including hippocampal volumes. This process involves initial quality review of images to be processed, pre-processing the images by removing non-brain matter from the image followed by a further quality review, queuing for automated brain region parcellation, reviewing outputs for errors and editing these output cortical thickness and hippocampal volume markings in the case of errors. The segmentation and ROI outputs can be used in the future co-analysis of DTI with the imaging data. Additionally, we will be parcellating and voluming the subfields of the hippocampus.