PI: Raymond Scott Turner, MD, PhD
Contact persons:
Brigid Reynolds, RN, MSN, NP [email protected]
Kelly Behan [email protected]
Contact method: Please contact the site directly.
VRADB Application required for sample access? No
Study Description: For information about our program, please see our website
We have collected samples from roughly 215 subjects (normal/MCI/AD) since initiation of our sample collecting protocol in 2007/2008. At present, however, samples from approximately 40 subjects remain on site (all previous samples were batched shipped to a few different researchers for various projects). In the past, we collected samples in different 'phases', based on demand and on staff availability to recruit, consent, and enroll subjects, but we recently (past 1-2 years) began to collect with the intention of building our own specimen bank. During the past 2-3 months, our most recently hired research assistant has dedicated additional time to subject recruitment and sample management for our bank.
Material available:
At present, serum and plasma.
Previously- whole blood, buffy coat layer.
Collection methods:
Most recently, we have been following the ADNI biomarker collection and processing protocol (blood only, no CSF), but we have an IRB-approved protocol in place for CSF collection (also based on ADNI biomarker collection).
Samples are stored in a -80 freezer
Other measurements available for this cohort:
Demographics, MMSE score, medical history, medications.